Price: $ 995.00

The U.S. Sports Drink Market Topline report provides an overview of the sports drink category with key data and five-year forecasts. Perfect for investors, entrepreneurs requiring statistics for their business plan, ad agencies preparing an account pitch or anyone who needs a quick view of the sports drink sector. Includes an executive summary of key trends including discussion of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

  • 2023 Edition - Published December 2023.
  • Data through 2022, preliminary 2023 figures and projections through 2027.
  • Immediate download, PDF and Word formats, 3-user access.
U.S. Sports Drink Market Topline
What's Inside? View Details

Get superior data, market insights and industry perspective to analyze beverage segments, evaluate opportunities and benchmark performance.

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The answers you need

This topline report offers a concise summary of the overall market. Questions answered include:

  • What has been the long-term trend in volume and wholesale dollar sales?
  • How have sports beverages performed in the first half of 2023?
  • What is the share breakdown of the market by region? How has this changed in the last 35+ years?
  • What are the leading sports drink brands by share?
  • What are the leading media for advertising expenditures?

This report features

The U.S. Sports Drink Market Topline report contains key information and identifies important trends concerning the U.S. market. It features category volume, wholesale dollar sales and per capita consumption data, regional sales volume, leading brand market shares, and five-year projections.

The Current Sports Beverage Market pg 1

  • Overview pg 1
  • Per Capita Consumption pg 3
  • Growth pg 4
  • Quarterly Growth Trends pg 4
  • Regional Trends pg 5
  • Leading Brands pg 6
  • Advertising Expenditures by Media pg 7


  • 1 Sports Beverage Market Wholesale Dollar Sales and Volume 1985 – 2027 pg 9
  • 2 Sports Beverage Market Dollar Sales and Volume Growth 1986 – 2027 pg 10
  • 3 Sports Beverage Market Per Capita Consumption 1985 – 2027 pg 11
  • 4 Sports Beverage Market Compound Annual Growth 1990 – 2027 pg 12
  • 5 Sports Beverage Market Volume and Growth by Quarter 2022 – 2023 pg 13
  • 6 Regional Sports Beverage Markets Wholesale Dollar Sales 1986 – 2027 pg 14
  • 7 Regional Sports Beverage Markets Share of Wholesale Dollar Sales 1986 – 2027 pg 15
  • 8 Regional Sports Beverage Markets Change in Wholesale Dollar Sales 1987 – 2027 pg 16
  • 9 Leading Sports Beverage Brands Share of Wholesale Dollar Sales 2017 – 2022 pg 17
  • 10 Sports Beverage Advertising Expenditures by Media 2017 – 2022 pg 18
  • 11 Sports Beverage Share of Advertising Expenditures by Media 2017 – 2022 pg 19
  • 12 Sports Beverage Change in Advertising Expenditures by Media 2018 – 2022 pg 20

Have Questions?
Contact Charlene Harvey at 212-688-7640 ext. 250 or via email.


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